To cap off Friday, I met my friend Chandler for dinner and then went to a Corey Smith concert in downtown Milledgeville. I had seen him live before, but this was the best time yet. Despite getting a few drinks spilled on me, I had a blast.

Saturday, I had the pleasure of going with my friend from high school, Wes, to a GCSU basketball game and tailgate as it was their homecoming. I got to see a few Young Life friends and that's always fun. To cap off Sat.- Molly came to visit me which was great. We drove around the Milly and went to dinner and listened to great tunes. Sunday completed my weekend with a trip to my new friends', The Thompsons, farm. They are friends of my dad's, and their daughter (2 years younger than me) events. I got the pleasure of getting to visit their horses and dogs, and eat lunch and dinner with them!
So not a bad way to end up a REALLY crappy week, huh?! Onto the next week, which will include hopefully a trip to Highlands with the Harris'. Yay!