Friday, May 28, 2010
When life hands you lemons....
The past few weeks have been a whirlwind! My freshman year is FINALLY wrapping up, as is my stay in Milledgeville. I'm so grateful for this! I'm slowly but surely getting everything squared away for Athens this fall, and have submitted all my stuff to Gainesville. I'm currently on the front porch, before the sweltering summer heat hits. The roomies are still asleep (thank goodness!), as it was a wild night last night. I'm drinking great Jittery Joe's and listening to Drive- By Truckers (who is thankfully returning to their hometown of Athens this fall!). Life is going so good. God has truly blessed me with the best friends and family on the Earth. My finances have hit rock bottom this semester, but thanks to wonderful people, all is stable again. This weekend will be spent in Griffin (oh joy). Tonight, my great friends Brittany, Sport, Victoria, and Brian graduate from Spalding, tomorrow my great friend from Work Crew at Frontier, Elizabeth Grace, walks the stage, lunch with Valerie and Callie, then Sunday, lunch with the family for my Birthday (I don't feel 19!), then to Athens for dinner with Elizabeth Grace, Meagan, and Logan! So excited! A lesson I've learned this semester, is when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. This semester has been a hell. Not to say I haven't done my fair share of raising cain, but I've grown up a lot. I'm thankful for this semester. Please keep the Flukers and my great friend Troy in your prayers as they are at Frontier Ranch for the summer! Also, keep all my friends who just graduated in mind as they have their graduation trips (their first freedom!). I'm off to do laundry and clean, then driving to GTown. Peace.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Rain is a Good Thing
So it's pouring. Not just rain, but a STORM. This is honestly my favorite weather. Last night Molly and I sat on her front porch in Griffin, drank wine, and watched it storm. This is why I love the South. The past few weeks have been crazy. From applying for jobs in Athens, to getting community service done for GMC to studying for classes, I've been swamped. I can't say I haven't had fun though. I got to see my friend Paul's band Death on Two Wheels at a bar in Millyville, then I got to see my good friend Emily Hearn play 2 weeks in a row. I got to celebrate a few birthdays, hop a few bars, and read a great book, I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell. Last night, Molly, Bailey, and I watched Oceans 11, 12, and 13 and had a blast.
School isn't fun. I'm so tired of Algebra and English it's not even funny, but hey, at least I'm done for the summer in 3 weeks! Then I'm off to beautiful Monterey, Tennessee for 6 weeks in paradise at Camp Country Lad with great friends.
This past weekend, I got to see my great friend Jennie Brannigan ride at a horse show on the Chattahoochee River, and see her new horse! His name is Indie and he joins Will and Ping to help Jennie B. make it to the next Olympics! Here he is below at Jersey Fresh a few weekends ago! Also, my friend Rebecca Howard got to compete this weekend for the first time since her riding accident back in February. It was great to see Rebec and Rupert back doing well! Hopefully we'll see them on the Canadian team at WEG.

Otherwise, things are just busy. My apartment search has been successful, so I'm busy making arrangements to move to Athens and get furniture. School is wrapping up. I'm planning on rushing in the fall, so that's exciting. Job hunting is still taking time. Overall, things are swell! Ciao for now!
School isn't fun. I'm so tired of Algebra and English it's not even funny, but hey, at least I'm done for the summer in 3 weeks! Then I'm off to beautiful Monterey, Tennessee for 6 weeks in paradise at Camp Country Lad with great friends.
This past weekend, I got to see my great friend Jennie Brannigan ride at a horse show on the Chattahoochee River, and see her new horse! His name is Indie and he joins Will and Ping to help Jennie B. make it to the next Olympics! Here he is below at Jersey Fresh a few weekends ago! Also, my friend Rebecca Howard got to compete this weekend for the first time since her riding accident back in February. It was great to see Rebec and Rupert back doing well! Hopefully we'll see them on the Canadian team at WEG.

Otherwise, things are just busy. My apartment search has been successful, so I'm busy making arrangements to move to Athens and get furniture. School is wrapping up. I'm planning on rushing in the fall, so that's exciting. Job hunting is still taking time. Overall, things are swell! Ciao for now!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Athens Bound in the Fall!
I've made the hard decision to go ahead and move to Athens in the fall! I think I already hinted at this in my last post a few weeks ago, but the decision is final. I've found an apartment, and hopefully will be signing a lease soon. If this apartment fills, then I've got a few backup plans. Even though I'll be on a stiff budget, I've found that there are small complexes of apartments in Athens for cheaper amounts of money, they may just not be the nicest.
So now, I'm working on getting my application packet complete for Gainesville, so I can take one more step at becoming a Georgia Bulldawg. UGA was supposed to do away with its Consumer Journalism program with all the 2010 budget cuts by the state, however, this program has survived, and has become my backup major if I don't get accepted to the Grady Journalism school.
An update on my life here in Milledgeville, GCSU finishes their finals this week, so most of my friends are heading home. My roommate is moving back to Augusta for the summer, so I'm doing my best to find a place to live. Classes are alright, I'm just craving summer. BADLY. I've been frequenting Athens on the weekends to see my friends, and once again, I'll be headed back this weekend. My buddy Nathan graduates from UGA this weekend, so I'll be there to see him walk the stage. Friday night my friend Paul's band, Death on Two Wheels is playing, so Callie, Valerie, and I will be attending the show and then hitting Clayton St.
My contract for Camp Country Lad has been signed. I leave for my counseling job on June 11. I'll be in beautiful Monterey, TN for 6 and a half weeks, then I'll move to Athens! Much has to be done before I leave for work. I have to have all my school stuff for Gainesville done (acceptance, financial aid, etc), as well as my housing. Hopefully all will go smoothly. I'm rather excited about this educational opportunity, as UGA has the BEST journalism program south of the Mason Dixon line! Georgia also has a pretty legit study abroad program, so ideally, I'll be able to spend a semester or two elsewhere learning the craft of magazine writing!
On a side note, to all my friends competing at Jersey Fresh this weekend, kick on and good luck! To everyone who had good finishes at Rolex Kentucky, CONGRATS!
Until next time, ciao and happy Cinco de Mayo!
So now, I'm working on getting my application packet complete for Gainesville, so I can take one more step at becoming a Georgia Bulldawg. UGA was supposed to do away with its Consumer Journalism program with all the 2010 budget cuts by the state, however, this program has survived, and has become my backup major if I don't get accepted to the Grady Journalism school.
An update on my life here in Milledgeville, GCSU finishes their finals this week, so most of my friends are heading home. My roommate is moving back to Augusta for the summer, so I'm doing my best to find a place to live. Classes are alright, I'm just craving summer. BADLY. I've been frequenting Athens on the weekends to see my friends, and once again, I'll be headed back this weekend. My buddy Nathan graduates from UGA this weekend, so I'll be there to see him walk the stage. Friday night my friend Paul's band, Death on Two Wheels is playing, so Callie, Valerie, and I will be attending the show and then hitting Clayton St.
My contract for Camp Country Lad has been signed. I leave for my counseling job on June 11. I'll be in beautiful Monterey, TN for 6 and a half weeks, then I'll move to Athens! Much has to be done before I leave for work. I have to have all my school stuff for Gainesville done (acceptance, financial aid, etc), as well as my housing. Hopefully all will go smoothly. I'm rather excited about this educational opportunity, as UGA has the BEST journalism program south of the Mason Dixon line! Georgia also has a pretty legit study abroad program, so ideally, I'll be able to spend a semester or two elsewhere learning the craft of magazine writing!
On a side note, to all my friends competing at Jersey Fresh this weekend, kick on and good luck! To everyone who had good finishes at Rolex Kentucky, CONGRATS!
Until next time, ciao and happy Cinco de Mayo!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Classic City Here I Come!
After much deliberation, I've decided to move to Athens, my favorite city in the world, in July for the fall. I was planning on going to GCSU and stay here in Milledgeville, but changes happen. It turns out I don't have enough credit to get into GCSU, so on to Plan B which, turns out to be better! The plan now is to move to Athens and attend Gainesville State in Watkinsville for fall semester, then hopefully have enough credit for UGA! I was born and raised a Dawg courtesy of William G. and Dixie and now I get to go to the school of my dreams! Ideally, I'll have the grades to be eligible for UGA's Grady school of journalism, if not, I'll hopefully major in consumer journalism through the college of Family and Consumer Sciences. I'm going to look at apartments this weekend. I'm a bit nervous to moving to a big town, but I have friends and family there, so I'm excited!

So only 5 weeks until I'm done in Milledgeville, and off to Bonnaroo, then another 2 weeks, and I'm off to Camp Country Lad then I move to the Classic City! I'm pretty excited.

So only 5 weeks until I'm done in Milledgeville, and off to Bonnaroo, then another 2 weeks, and I'm off to Camp Country Lad then I move to the Classic City! I'm pretty excited.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Cold Day in July (well almost!)
Today in Milledgeville, its COLD! It's almost May and its barely 60 degrees! Moving on (I'm in the library because shorts and a tshirt are too cold to be outside in right now), things are truly coming around. I just got back to my favorite college town from Griffin where I spent the night. I got to wrangle at SharpTop this weekend with my friend Lauren (who also lives in Millyvegas!) for a group of families from Atlanta and Athens, and had a blast! Despite my car pitching an absolute temper tantrum on Friday night that ended in me sitting beside I-75 for a while, things were great. I drove back to Griffin yesterday morning, spent the day with friends and my sister, got some Algebra help from Mrs. Dee (my lifesaver for 7 years now. She gets major kudos for putting up with me for this long!) and then ate dinner with my parents. It was great to see my dogs and do some laundry.
Back to school- I've found a place to live, a friend from church has an empty room in his apartment that is already furnished that he is kindly letting me use until my semester is over, then its really party time! I'll head to Atlanta for a Passion Pit concert, then to BONNAROO!!! To cap off my summer, I've agreed to work for Camp Country Lad, in TN, where I attended as a kid as a counselor (I'm psyched!).
So this week will be full of Algebra, English, and Freshman Experience classes, church on Wednesday and Thursday, going to see a buddy's band on Thursday night, and possibly Athens this weekend for a Perpetual Groove concert, Relay for Life, and the Athens Twilight Cycling Race! Cheers!
Back to school- I've found a place to live, a friend from church has an empty room in his apartment that is already furnished that he is kindly letting me use until my semester is over, then its really party time! I'll head to Atlanta for a Passion Pit concert, then to BONNAROO!!! To cap off my summer, I've agreed to work for Camp Country Lad, in TN, where I attended as a kid as a counselor (I'm psyched!).

So this week will be full of Algebra, English, and Freshman Experience classes, church on Wednesday and Thursday, going to see a buddy's band on Thursday night, and possibly Athens this weekend for a Perpetual Groove concert, Relay for Life, and the Athens Twilight Cycling Race! Cheers!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Homeless and Happy
Being an actual person is wonderful. Taking Back Sunday has a song that says, "what does it feel like to be a ghost." This is how I felt DAILy in Milledgeville wearing that stupid uniform. I've earned a new life, simply by stepping up to the plate and leaving ROTC. I've crashed at 3 different people's apartments on 3 different nights, another tonight, but strangely enough, while most would be freaking out over not having a "permanent residence," I'm thrilled to be able to live again. Being able to be Sam again, not Johnston, not William, not kid, not you, but Sam, makes my day! I leave for another weekend at Sharp Top Cove tomorrow, and I'm very excited to see not only what God does for these kids I'll be serving, but also what he has in store for me! As I sit on the GCSU lawn, listen to Dave Matthews, and soak up some rays and write this random blog, I am for once happy and content. No I may not have tons of money, or a guaranteed bed tonight, but I know God has put me here for a reason, and for that, I can't complain. This morning, after class, was spent job hunting, I've applied 10 places, and have a possible home. For this I'm thankful, and hopeful! I'm reading A River Runs Through It; and in it the Reverend says, "the Lord has blessed us all today... it's just that he has been particularly good to me." I know this is quite selfish, however, I really think God has had a say in my week, and I'm grateful. Please pray for the kids who will be attending STC this weekend, that God will change their lives, just as he has changed mine! Below is a picture of the lawn today, a green wonderland!

Monday, April 12, 2010
The Great Escape- Literallyyy
Today I dropped out of GMC's cadet corps. I am now officially a commuter student! I have dropped down to 12 hours this quarter so I can get a job. I'm currently homeless, but I'll manage, the Lord never puts us in situations we can't handle. I'm going job shopping tomorrow before and after classes, so fingers are crossed. God has put me in Milledgeville for a reason, and I really do hope I can find some way to serve Him. I am attending St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, where they have a college youth group, and have met great people. This group took me in with open arms, and I'm so grateful the Lord put me in this church family. I'm currently being a moocher, sitting at a table with an orange umbrella, drinking free water and using the wireless at Milledgeville's new Jittery Joe's coffee franchise (the BEST coffee from Athens!), I'm praying hard, and doing my best to not get discouraged, or get too sick from the pollen. I know money is going to be extremely tight, but I'm going to grow up fast, and learn how to manage my money. As overwhelming as today has been, I'm still confident that God is pushing me to stay here in Milledgeville for the fall at GCSU, and I'm growing more and more excited about what this new venture has in store!
On a side note, I'm listening to a weird mixture of music, mostly the Grateful Dead and Allman Brothers, with a weird mix of new electronica thrown in: Passion Pit, STS9, and Pretty Lights are blowing up my car radio and my headphones! Also, congrats to my old riding instructor, Nick Cwick, who rode my horse Beni at Chattahoochee Hills this past weekend and finished a stunning 3rd place in a field of over 20 horses! Yay Nick and Beni!
So it's now time to go review my Algebra homework (eeeewwwww), and to go drive across town to a prospective job spot. Please keep me in your prayers. I'm living my life to the fullest, and leaning on the Lord. Cheers!
On a side note, I'm listening to a weird mixture of music, mostly the Grateful Dead and Allman Brothers, with a weird mix of new electronica thrown in: Passion Pit, STS9, and Pretty Lights are blowing up my car radio and my headphones! Also, congrats to my old riding instructor, Nick Cwick, who rode my horse Beni at Chattahoochee Hills this past weekend and finished a stunning 3rd place in a field of over 20 horses! Yay Nick and Beni!
So it's now time to go review my Algebra homework (eeeewwwww), and to go drive across town to a prospective job spot. Please keep me in your prayers. I'm living my life to the fullest, and leaning on the Lord. Cheers!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Being Grown Up Isn't Fun
This week has been a living hell. I moved back into my dorm at military school on Wednesday, and things started out bad. I wasn't allowed to attend church on Wednesday night, and classes began Thursday. Classes aren't bad, and I did get to sneak away with Wes to GCSU's Battle of the Bands, which wasn't half bad for a bunch of rookie musicians. Friday was the worst day I've had in a LONG time, and definitely the worst I've had since moving to Milledgeville. After class on Friday morning, an officer in the Army who is paid to work at GMC and be a drill sergeant, said some things to me that I really took to heart. I cried for the first time in weeks, and that was just the start. I had a few detention hours to work off (detention in college. really is this a joke?!), so I went outside in class A uniform- a long sleeved oxford, tie, wool pants, and patent leather shoes. Not realizing how humid it was outside, I was quite dehydrated, and paid for it. I then made the mistake of locking my knees in formation, resulting in me passing out, and receiving 10 more hours for "physical cowardice." After this episode, I then had a few more hours to finish (not including the newly implemented ones, mind you), a few guys were cutting up, which ended up making us do pushups first on the asphalt which was scorching, then on gravel that had glass in it. I cut my wrist on a piece of glass; at that point, I was done. I had reached the end of my rope.
To make a long story short, I am doing everything in my power tomorrow to get out of this cadet program. Milledgeville is growing on me, but this school continues to try my patience big time.
To make a long story short, I am doing everything in my power tomorrow to get out of this cadet program. Milledgeville is growing on me, but this school continues to try my patience big time.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Oh Milledgeville, How I've Not Missed You
I'm writing this from my dorm. Spring quarter starts tomorrow, and I'm dreading everything about another quarter here at Georgia Military College (aka the cesspool of the south). I've been handed a new roommate, who's name I can't pronounce, and who listens to music that would make me deaf really quick. Tonight, he refuses to sleep, hence I'm blogging away. Expect numerous blog posts this quarter, as I'll have nothing to do but study, blog, and sleep.
Classes begin tomorrow. I'm taking English 1101 (I dropped it in the fall), World History II, Freshman Experience (whatever that is), and unfortunately, Remedial Math, because my SAT score SUCKED. Hopefully, things will go better than I expect, but I'm not holding my breath.
On the plus side though, my Ole Miss application is ready to be sent off via the internet, and I have the cash to get a ticket to see Passion Pit in June!!! Tomorrow entails lunch with Chandler and Mary Katherine (my favorite Griffin ladies at GCSU), so hopefully that will be a morale boost.
Oh and one more thing----- the best coffee place in Athens, Jittery Joes, is opening a franchise in Millydump this week! Mucho controversy is going on downtown, as it is opening across the street from the weird hippy place, Blackbird, but I'll be frequenting J.J.'s, as their caramello is divine.
Ciao for now.
Classes begin tomorrow. I'm taking English 1101 (I dropped it in the fall), World History II, Freshman Experience (whatever that is), and unfortunately, Remedial Math, because my SAT score SUCKED. Hopefully, things will go better than I expect, but I'm not holding my breath.
On the plus side though, my Ole Miss application is ready to be sent off via the internet, and I have the cash to get a ticket to see Passion Pit in June!!! Tomorrow entails lunch with Chandler and Mary Katherine (my favorite Griffin ladies at GCSU), so hopefully that will be a morale boost.
Oh and one more thing----- the best coffee place in Athens, Jittery Joes, is opening a franchise in Millydump this week! Mucho controversy is going on downtown, as it is opening across the street from the weird hippy place, Blackbird, but I'll be frequenting J.J.'s, as their caramello is divine.
Ciao for now.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Spring has Sprung, Changes are Being Made
I'm writing this from my parent's house in Griffin. Its been a whirlwind few weeks, spring break has been fun, and now its time to buckle down again. I came home 3 weeks ago to Griffin, spent a few days with the family, and then went to Athens for a fun 4 days with friends. I stayed with my great friend Molly, and got to let loose for a few days. We did dinners, downtown, ΣN and KΣ parties, and had a blast. I had the opportunity to go to a ΣK philanthropy function Sunday night (watching the Office on a big screen on the back lawn, and eating dinner for Relay for Life) with my friend Callie Walker, who also went downtown with me. I got to see my buddies Will and Nathan as well as my close high school friends Brett and Sarah. The weekend was definitely worth the short drive to Clark County.
I drove back to Milledgeville on Sunday night, spent the night with my friends, The Thompson family, and then headed home to Griffin on Monday. While I had been home the week before, I began stripping the tile out of a bathroom at my parent's house, so I finished that up, and then packed for a trip to one of my favorite cities in America, Charleston. I drove to Charleston, SC (or Chas, as the locals call it) on Tuesday morning, and after a long trip, finally arrived. I ate dinner with the Thompsons, who had driven up the day before, at Hank's Seafood Restaurant, and then got a hotel room. The food at the restaurant was superb, and just the perfect way to kick off a great week.
Wednesday involved sleeping late, and then my venture downtown to begin my acquaintance with the College of Charleston. CofC sits in the middle of the historic district and covers a few blocks. It was love at first sight for me, and I immediately wanted to transfer to this school for fall. I browsed the campus for a few hours on my own, then took a guided tour. The campus is just what I'm looking for, big but not too large, small classes, a key location, and best of all, a great campus life. I ate dinner that night at Poe's Tavern on Sullivan's Island (right outside of downtown Chas) and had the best fish tacos I've ever consumed. I then crashed at my hotel so I could hold the next day's worth.

Thursday was eventful. I met with Admissions and Financial Aid counselors from CofC, as well as went to the beach (Isle of Palms). I browsed a bit downtown, and got more immersed in the CofC campus. Thursday night included a great dinner at Red's Icehouse on Sullivan's Island (best fried shrimp). This place was legit. I got the pleasure of eating, and being able to watch the shrimp boats come into the port, so cool. I then returned to my hotel, and packed for my journey back to GA.
Friday morning, I left the hotel, and went to the beach on Sullivan's Island, then proceeded to get into my car, and drive.
Easter was today, and it was good. Emma and I took a separate car than the parentals and drove to Thomaston after church. We spent our day with our grandparents and then drove back home. I have 4 days left of break. Time to live it up. In the words of Max from Where the Wild Things are, "Let the wild rumpus begin!"
I drove back to Milledgeville on Sunday night, spent the night with my friends, The Thompson family, and then headed home to Griffin on Monday. While I had been home the week before, I began stripping the tile out of a bathroom at my parent's house, so I finished that up, and then packed for a trip to one of my favorite cities in America, Charleston. I drove to Charleston, SC (or Chas, as the locals call it) on Tuesday morning, and after a long trip, finally arrived. I ate dinner with the Thompsons, who had driven up the day before, at Hank's Seafood Restaurant, and then got a hotel room. The food at the restaurant was superb, and just the perfect way to kick off a great week.
Wednesday involved sleeping late, and then my venture downtown to begin my acquaintance with the College of Charleston. CofC sits in the middle of the historic district and covers a few blocks. It was love at first sight for me, and I immediately wanted to transfer to this school for fall. I browsed the campus for a few hours on my own, then took a guided tour. The campus is just what I'm looking for, big but not too large, small classes, a key location, and best of all, a great campus life. I ate dinner that night at Poe's Tavern on Sullivan's Island (right outside of downtown Chas) and had the best fish tacos I've ever consumed. I then crashed at my hotel so I could hold the next day's worth.

Friday morning, I left the hotel, and went to the beach on Sullivan's Island, then proceeded to get into my car, and drive.
Easter was today, and it was good. Emma and I took a separate car than the parentals and drove to Thomaston after church. We spent our day with our grandparents and then drove back home. I have 4 days left of break. Time to live it up. In the words of Max from Where the Wild Things are, "Let the wild rumpus begin!"

Saturday, March 20, 2010
Bring on the Pain that Brings Me Back to Life
Rough weekend. My week ended swell, getting done with class on Wednesday morning, summing up a disastrous winter quarter. Ended up with 2 A's and 2 B's. Thank God those classes are done with. I sure won't miss GMC during my 23 day spring break.
I'm writing this at 6:00 AM in the Panera parking lot in Columbus. My horse, Beni, is showing this weekend at Poplar Place with my friend Lindsey Rairden in the irons. Good luck Beni and Linds! So I'm at the event grooming and spectating all weekend.
Last night, though, disaster struck. A good friend that I worked with at Frontier Ranch tried to commit suicide Thurs. night. Little did I know, and I spoke to her last night. I'm quite shaken up, as not only is this a great friend, who has been there for me through hell, this is the 2nd friend I have had that has recently chosen to try this. As many know, my buddy John Knoll from TX took his own life in the fall, and left everyone wondering why. It was unexpected, as was the situation Thursday night. I've been reading my Bible, and trying to stay positive. Today will be a true test of my character- if I can still do my job taking care of the event horses, while still keeping a good attitude and a servant's heart, when all I want to do is sit in my hotel room and cry.
This morning, though, 2 positive things have happened though. One, I realized how much of a safety net my friends are to me. They're once again helping me through this, and I'm SO grateful. Two, I found a song that really hit home. My friend, Mike Kennebrew, from Macon, is a YL leader and a musician. He has a song called, "Something Worth Saving." I heard it this morning on a mix I had made after hearing him at Sharp Top. Mike sings of "Tell me there's something worth saving, remind me that I'm still alive, bring on the pain that brings me back to life. I wanna give til I feel it, and I wanna love til it hurts, and I'll take the pain over nothing 1,000 times." These lyrics really hit home. The Lord won't put anything in front of us we can't handle, and we'll be able to fight again. I won't go down without a fight, and I know God is behind me. Below is a picture of John from the summer at Frontier Ranch.

Please keep my Work Crew in your prayers and thoughts, as well as all the riders at Poplar this weekend, for safety and strength.
I'm writing this at 6:00 AM in the Panera parking lot in Columbus. My horse, Beni, is showing this weekend at Poplar Place with my friend Lindsey Rairden in the irons. Good luck Beni and Linds! So I'm at the event grooming and spectating all weekend.
Last night, though, disaster struck. A good friend that I worked with at Frontier Ranch tried to commit suicide Thurs. night. Little did I know, and I spoke to her last night. I'm quite shaken up, as not only is this a great friend, who has been there for me through hell, this is the 2nd friend I have had that has recently chosen to try this. As many know, my buddy John Knoll from TX took his own life in the fall, and left everyone wondering why. It was unexpected, as was the situation Thursday night. I've been reading my Bible, and trying to stay positive. Today will be a true test of my character- if I can still do my job taking care of the event horses, while still keeping a good attitude and a servant's heart, when all I want to do is sit in my hotel room and cry.
This morning, though, 2 positive things have happened though. One, I realized how much of a safety net my friends are to me. They're once again helping me through this, and I'm SO grateful. Two, I found a song that really hit home. My friend, Mike Kennebrew, from Macon, is a YL leader and a musician. He has a song called, "Something Worth Saving." I heard it this morning on a mix I had made after hearing him at Sharp Top. Mike sings of "Tell me there's something worth saving, remind me that I'm still alive, bring on the pain that brings me back to life. I wanna give til I feel it, and I wanna love til it hurts, and I'll take the pain over nothing 1,000 times." These lyrics really hit home. The Lord won't put anything in front of us we can't handle, and we'll be able to fight again. I won't go down without a fight, and I know God is behind me. Below is a picture of John from the summer at Frontier Ranch.

Please keep my Work Crew in your prayers and thoughts, as well as all the riders at Poplar this weekend, for safety and strength.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Stressful Few Weeks, Onto Exams and Spring Break!
So to start off, school sucks. I'm actually studying, but college is hard. My grades are decent, but I'm earning them. So I have 3 exams this week: Sociology and PoliSci on Tuesday and Religion Wednesday. Studying hard. I need the A's. Hopefully my hard work will pay off, and I'll get into either Ole Miss or College of Charleston. Fingers crossed.
On the downward note- even though I've moved rooms,all my cash was stolen this morning. I got up and went to church; came back and was hanging out with a guy I considered a "buddy" in my room. I got up to go use the facilities, and left my billfold in my desk drawer- came back, and paid no attention. He left, and I went to downtown Millyvegas to eat lunch with a buddy, to realize all $37 I had was gone. Fortunatly, I have great friends who paid for lunch and coffee. My new "family" here in Baldwin Co., the Thompsons gave me enough cash to get me through the week. Why are people so ignorant? But as Slate said tonight- I really don't need it anyway... I guess he's right.
So to sum up, I've learned a lesson- after having an iPod and some money stolen, all my stuff is being locked up for safe keeping. I'm a bit paranoid now. But I've got to keep a decent attitude- spring break starts Wed. after my last exam! I'm going to Griffin for a few days to get some rest, earn some money, pick up my Volvo, ride my Irish horse, and visit my favorite labrador. Then I'm off on a South Carolina roadtrip to Aiken to visit Lara Chance and Jennie Brannigan, and then to Greenville to visit my buddy John Armstrong who worked with me at Young Life camp this past summer. So hopefully after some Carolina lovin' I'll go to Athens for a last hurrah, then back to hit the books in Millyvegas.
By the way- Bonnaroo is going to be amazing this year, Dave Matthews is playing, and I'm volunteering. Its gonna be legit! Oh, and I've been listening to old Phish, and I'm really feeling it!

Good luck to everyone eventing at Poplar Place and Southern Pines this weekend! Congrats to Lara for winning Full Gallop!
On the downward note- even though I've moved rooms,all my cash was stolen this morning. I got up and went to church; came back and was hanging out with a guy I considered a "buddy" in my room. I got up to go use the facilities, and left my billfold in my desk drawer- came back, and paid no attention. He left, and I went to downtown Millyvegas to eat lunch with a buddy, to realize all $37 I had was gone. Fortunatly, I have great friends who paid for lunch and coffee. My new "family" here in Baldwin Co., the Thompsons gave me enough cash to get me through the week. Why are people so ignorant? But as Slate said tonight- I really don't need it anyway... I guess he's right.
So to sum up, I've learned a lesson- after having an iPod and some money stolen, all my stuff is being locked up for safe keeping. I'm a bit paranoid now. But I've got to keep a decent attitude- spring break starts Wed. after my last exam! I'm going to Griffin for a few days to get some rest, earn some money, pick up my Volvo, ride my Irish horse, and visit my favorite labrador. Then I'm off on a South Carolina roadtrip to Aiken to visit Lara Chance and Jennie Brannigan, and then to Greenville to visit my buddy John Armstrong who worked with me at Young Life camp this past summer. So hopefully after some Carolina lovin' I'll go to Athens for a last hurrah, then back to hit the books in Millyvegas.
By the way- Bonnaroo is going to be amazing this year, Dave Matthews is playing, and I'm volunteering. Its gonna be legit! Oh, and I've been listening to old Phish, and I'm really feeling it!

Good luck to everyone eventing at Poplar Place and Southern Pines this weekend! Congrats to Lara for winning Full Gallop!
Monday, March 1, 2010
RENT! and a Bad Weekend at Pine Top
This past weekend was full of ups and downs. Friday night, my friend Wes, who goes to GCSU and I went to a Kappa Sigma party in downtown Milledgeville, then went back to his dorm and listened to Widespread Panic and Phish for a few hours while catching up on high school memories. Saturday, I had the luxury to attend GCSU's production of RENT! with a few friends from Griffin. We had a blast, and it was especially good to see my buddy Jordan Hale who went to high school with me as the lead role!!! The cast did a fabulous job, and the musical was a complete success. Sunday I had the pleasure of once again going to my dear friends' the Thompson's farm in Milledgeville to teach Ellie a riding lesson and to eat dinner.

On a sad note, my friend Rebecca Howard (a future Canadian World Equestrian Games hopeful) took a nasty fall yesterday at Pine Top. Her experienced horse, Roquefort (Rocky to his friends) hit a gate, and they took a rotational fall. Rebecca suffered mulitiple broken ribs and a semi- collapsed lung. She is well and concious in ICU in Charlotte, and with family. The horse was unscraped. Keep the Howards in your thoughts and prayers,and hopefully Rebecca will be back eventing soon to persue her goal of riding in WEG '10!

On a sad note, my friend Rebecca Howard (a future Canadian World Equestrian Games hopeful) took a nasty fall yesterday at Pine Top. Her experienced horse, Roquefort (Rocky to his friends) hit a gate, and they took a rotational fall. Rebecca suffered mulitiple broken ribs and a semi- collapsed lung. She is well and concious in ICU in Charlotte, and with family. The horse was unscraped. Keep the Howards in your thoughts and prayers,and hopefully Rebecca will be back eventing soon to persue her goal of riding in WEG '10!

Monday, February 22, 2010
New Friends are Always a Plus!
This week was a bit of a blur. Too many assignments, too much stress, not much went too well. Honestly, lots went on I don't even remember. But, Friday, something good happened (what a suprise!). My buddy Mitch has a friend at Mercer with him who went to GMC a few years ago. I had mentioned to Mitch my frustration with my roomate, he in turn told his friend who called the commandant. Needless to say, I'M GETTING A NEW ROOMATE TODAY OR TOMORROW! I have never been this excited about change maybe well, ever! (thank you Mitch!)
To cap off Friday, I met my friend Chandler for dinner and then went to a Corey Smith concert in downtown Milledgeville. I had seen him live before, but this was the best time yet. Despite getting a few drinks spilled on me, I had a blast.

Saturday, I had the pleasure of going with my friend from high school, Wes, to a GCSU basketball game and tailgate as it was their homecoming. I got to see a few Young Life friends and that's always fun. To cap off Sat.- Molly came to visit me which was great. We drove around the Milly and went to dinner and listened to great tunes. Sunday completed my weekend with a trip to my new friends', The Thompsons, farm. They are friends of my dad's, and their daughter (2 years younger than me) events. I got the pleasure of getting to visit their horses and dogs, and eat lunch and dinner with them!
So not a bad way to end up a REALLY crappy week, huh?! Onto the next week, which will include hopefully a trip to Highlands with the Harris'. Yay!
To cap off Friday, I met my friend Chandler for dinner and then went to a Corey Smith concert in downtown Milledgeville. I had seen him live before, but this was the best time yet. Despite getting a few drinks spilled on me, I had a blast.

Saturday, I had the pleasure of going with my friend from high school, Wes, to a GCSU basketball game and tailgate as it was their homecoming. I got to see a few Young Life friends and that's always fun. To cap off Sat.- Molly came to visit me which was great. We drove around the Milly and went to dinner and listened to great tunes. Sunday completed my weekend with a trip to my new friends', The Thompsons, farm. They are friends of my dad's, and their daughter (2 years younger than me) events. I got the pleasure of getting to visit their horses and dogs, and eat lunch and dinner with them!
So not a bad way to end up a REALLY crappy week, huh?! Onto the next week, which will include hopefully a trip to Highlands with the Harris'. Yay!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Another Day, Nothing New
So after a stressful week, we are past hump day. I spent this past weekend in Athens for my friend Mary Clare's birthday. It was much fun, and I give her brother Nathan a HUGE thank you for letting me crash at his house. I got to go to a Sister Hazel concert at the 40 Watt with my friend Valerie, and got to visit with my friends Molly, Will, Lauren, Ty, Stephen, and a few others. Not only did Clark County get about 3 1/2" of snow, it was bitter cold, but we had a blast anyways. On Valentine's day, I made pizza with Molly. Then back to Milledgeville for school. Yuck.

This week has been not only hectic but very stressful. My roomate and I can't get along for anything, and to add to this my workload for class has been increased. I have to create a bill to be passed for PoliSci, finish a paper on Gandhi and do a project on Buddhism in Indonesia for Religion, plus a Sociology midterm. Shoot me now. I got to go to an Ash Wednesday service last night at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, and it was a beautiful service. Hopefully this week will close soon, I will not be a plebe much longer, and the weekend will come fast! Plans for this weekend include a Corey Smith concert in downtown Milledgeville and working off detention hours (eeww). Hopefully next weekend I'll be either at Highlands or at Pine Top Horse Trials helping my old coach Holly Hudspeth (ne Hepp). So life is busy, but life is quite good. By the way, everyone needs to listen to Hootie and the Blowfish Live in Charleston and Feels Like Home by Norah Jones. Peace!

This week has been not only hectic but very stressful. My roomate and I can't get along for anything, and to add to this my workload for class has been increased. I have to create a bill to be passed for PoliSci, finish a paper on Gandhi and do a project on Buddhism in Indonesia for Religion, plus a Sociology midterm. Shoot me now. I got to go to an Ash Wednesday service last night at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, and it was a beautiful service. Hopefully this week will close soon, I will not be a plebe much longer, and the weekend will come fast! Plans for this weekend include a Corey Smith concert in downtown Milledgeville and working off detention hours (eeww). Hopefully next weekend I'll be either at Highlands or at Pine Top Horse Trials helping my old coach Holly Hudspeth (ne Hepp). So life is busy, but life is quite good. By the way, everyone needs to listen to Hootie and the Blowfish Live in Charleston and Feels Like Home by Norah Jones. Peace!

Friday, February 12, 2010
Long Week. School Cancelled!
So it's been about a week since I've posted last. A lot has happened. I went to SharpTop Cove in Jasper, GA last weekend, and got to witness tons of kids have their lives changed by God. A few of my good friends from my Work Crew were there as well, so what a reunion it was! Despite freezing weather, I belayed on the climbing wall, and had a blast. It so cool to see how God works- how He can reach kids that most give up on through high adventure and club. Who woulda thunk it?
This week was long. I had TONS of assignments due, and fortunately got everything done. For my Religion class, I had a paper on Buddhist monasteries due Monday, a current event report on Confucius due Thursday, and a test Friday (today), but due to the weather (its suppose to snow tonight!) all my classes were cancelled today!!!! Political Science kept me busy- I had a test on Tuesday, as well as a Sociology test on Thursday. Thankfully, the week is over, and now to have a good time this weekend.
Stay warm. Curl up on the sofa with a blanket, a bowl of soup, a cup of hot cocoa, a fire, and watch a good movie!
This week was long. I had TONS of assignments due, and fortunately got everything done. For my Religion class, I had a paper on Buddhist monasteries due Monday, a current event report on Confucius due Thursday, and a test Friday (today), but due to the weather (its suppose to snow tonight!) all my classes were cancelled today!!!! Political Science kept me busy- I had a test on Tuesday, as well as a Sociology test on Thursday. Thankfully, the week is over, and now to have a good time this weekend.
Stay warm. Curl up on the sofa with a blanket, a bowl of soup, a cup of hot cocoa, a fire, and watch a good movie!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Finding Inspiration
So the weather has turned gross, and I'm headed off tomorrow to SharpTop Cove to wrangle. I will be belaying on the climbing wall (thank goodness for it being INSIDE). I'm not looking forward to the drive from Milledgeville to Griffin, or from Griffin to Jasper, but the trip is looking to be great. A few close friends from my Work Crew will be there, as well as campers from Macon and Atlanta. I'm hoping for not-so-nasty weather, changed lives for the kids, and a good time. This week has been all but easy, but I'm looking ahead, and hoping for great things this weekend and next week.
On a side note, Michael Buble's live album is amazing. It has been somewhat of a stress reliever for me, due to my roomate's non-stop obnoxiousness.
I also want to pass around a huge congrats to my friends competing in eventing in Ocala, FL and Aiken, SC, some GREAT scores have been posted. I'm hoping to trek down to both before the spring is over to root for my friends from Young Riders.
I'm off to pack for the trip, study, and get some rest. Will give a big post + pictures from STC early next week!
On a side note, Michael Buble's live album is amazing. It has been somewhat of a stress reliever for me, due to my roomate's non-stop obnoxiousness.

I also want to pass around a huge congrats to my friends competing in eventing in Ocala, FL and Aiken, SC, some GREAT scores have been posted. I'm hoping to trek down to both before the spring is over to root for my friends from Young Riders.
I'm off to pack for the trip, study, and get some rest. Will give a big post + pictures from STC early next week!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Giving Credit, Where Credit is Due
So this morning was a bit of a nightmare- once again locked myself out of my dorm, got into an argument with my roomate, and forgot my coat, so got SOAKED on the way to class. Due to all these issues, I figured I'd better make a list of 5 things that I'm thankful for.
1) My Heavenly Father who puts up with my crap night and day, and yet still loves me.
2) My family and friends, who still haven't given up on me, despite ALL the things I have managed to do wrong in the past 18 years.
3) My work crew. This group of some 30ish friends have been with me when I laughed and when I cried. I am so thankful that God put me with ya'll!
4) For Young Life- this organization brought the Lord into my life when I thought nothing could. Through Young Life, I have found friends that will last a lifetime, and have seen places I never thought I'd see.
5) Music- music is not only one of my favorite things in this life, but it also is a safe haven for me. No matter what the mood, there's some kind of music for me.
I hope we all can remember what we appreciate. I'll be the first to say I take for granted much of what I have, but this month in Milledgeville has made me appreciate many things, and has made me realize how much I DO take for granted.
1) My Heavenly Father who puts up with my crap night and day, and yet still loves me.
2) My family and friends, who still haven't given up on me, despite ALL the things I have managed to do wrong in the past 18 years.

3) My work crew. This group of some 30ish friends have been with me when I laughed and when I cried. I am so thankful that God put me with ya'll!

4) For Young Life- this organization brought the Lord into my life when I thought nothing could. Through Young Life, I have found friends that will last a lifetime, and have seen places I never thought I'd see.

5) Music- music is not only one of my favorite things in this life, but it also is a safe haven for me. No matter what the mood, there's some kind of music for me.
I hope we all can remember what we appreciate. I'll be the first to say I take for granted much of what I have, but this month in Milledgeville has made me appreciate many things, and has made me realize how much I DO take for granted.
Monday, February 1, 2010
So I'm writing this from my sickbed. Well, almost. I was throwing up last night and this morning, so I was put on bedrest today. After catching up on some serious sleep, I went to email my teachers. To make a long story short, I forgot my room key in my room. So now, here i write, blogging away, and waiting for my suitemates to get back so I can go back to bed! I'm going to proceed back to my room later, and proceed to work on my paper on Gandhi for religion class. What an unhectic day! I'm currently listening to "The Things We Carry" by Have Heart and the self titled album from Monsters of Folk (thanks Ivey and Pam for introducing me to this supergroup!!!)

This scripture spoke to me this morning, and it brings back great memories of Youth Group at FUMC- The Lord bless you, and keep you; The Lord make His face shine on you,
And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace. -Numbers 6: 24-26

This scripture spoke to me this morning, and it brings back great memories of Youth Group at FUMC- The Lord bless you, and keep you; The Lord make His face shine on you,
And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace. -Numbers 6: 24-26
Sunday, January 31, 2010
In the beginning....
I decided to start this blog in order to inform anyone who cares of my life as a student at Georgia Military College, struggling to keep my chin up and live for Christ. I'm relying on God day in and day out to truly help me keep sane, but also to learn and grow. Staying positive is very difficult, however, the Lord is good, and He never puts us in a position we cannot handle. I hope to update this as often as possible with blurbs and such on my life, travels, etc.
I'm learning day by day that everytime the Lord closes a door, He always opens a window. He is truly helping me to take the sour lemons I've been dealt here in Milledgeville, and turn them into great, refreshing lemonade.
I read today this psalm, and it spoke to me about life:
The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?
I hope this wasn't too boring.... I'm definitly a novice at blogging. I'm very thankful the Lord brought Griffin Young Life home safely from SharpTop this weekend.
I'm learning day by day that everytime the Lord closes a door, He always opens a window. He is truly helping me to take the sour lemons I've been dealt here in Milledgeville, and turn them into great, refreshing lemonade.
I read today this psalm, and it spoke to me about life:
The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?
I hope this wasn't too boring.... I'm definitly a novice at blogging. I'm very thankful the Lord brought Griffin Young Life home safely from SharpTop this weekend.
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